"The universe may exist indefinitely, but this body is not obtained a
second time; human life only lasts a hundred years at most, and the
days slip by easily. Those who would live happily know the joy of
having life and remember the sorrow of wasting
Huanchu Daoren
The painting, Back to Beginnings,
gets its title from the 16nth century Taoist sage, Huanchu Daoren,
whose name translates as, "A Wayfarer Back to Beginnings." Like
the writings of the master, the painting is about returning to
simplicity and one's true, authentic self, rather than follow the false
material values that lead to a life unfulfilled and empty. The boat at
the foot of the steps stands as evidence of a wayfarer returning to
beginnings, of a life rediscovered, of an artist reclaiming his art.